The Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj in the file of “Ndragheta”
By Investigations into Ndragheta shake the foundations of Erion Veliaj's towers An investigation of the Katanzaro’s Anti-mafia in Italy...
Lexo më shumëBy Investigations into Ndragheta shake the foundations of Erion Veliaj's towers An investigation of the Katanzaro’s Anti-mafia in Italy...
Lexo më shumëBy Some draft amendments to the law on the State Police may best justify the concern of the US...
Lexo më shumëBy A document provided by "" proves that the member of the Vetting Commission, Alma Vokopola (Faskaj) was dismissed...
Lexo më shumëBy The Municipality of Tirana, led by Erion Veliaj, is added to the list of state institutions that develop...
Lexo më shumëThe Directorate General of Prisons has launched investigations into the high-risk release of inmates while it is learned that it...
Lexo më shumëState police have officially responded after poisoning 14 students at Shupenza High School. “On 24.10.2019, at about 1:10 pm, Bulqiza...
Lexo më shumëErion Veliaj continues to duplicate his idols, Edi Rama and Barack Obama. The latter copies it in the pictures. For...
Lexo më shumëThe company 'Fusha' Shpk has won the tender of the Municipality of Tirana for the rehabilitation of 'Zogu i Pare'...
Lexo më shumëBy The European Union Mission in Albania, EURALIUS, seems to have discovered the "wheel" for implementing Justice Reform in...
Lexo më shumëFrom KPK was confirmed in office Sokol Binaj, judge at Tirana Court of Appeal. According to the ILDKP report, the...
Lexo më shumë mbetet zgjedhja e parë për një lexues i cili kërkon të informohet me saktësi për një lajm. Misioni jonë kryesor është paanshëmëria dhe profesionalizmi dhe për këtë janë të punësuar gazetarët më të mirë në tregun mediatik.
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