The KPA postpones Osman, that’s when the decision will be made
The KPA has completed the review of the case for the KLP member, Gentian Osmani, and adjourned the hearing on...
Lexo më shumëThe KPA has completed the review of the case for the KLP member, Gentian Osmani, and adjourned the hearing on...
Lexo më shumëThe vacancies left after the dismissal by Vettingu were replaced by new names in prosecutors' offices in some cities. At...
Lexo më shumëBy At the end of 2015, the Serious Crimes Prosecution launched an investigation into a multi-million-euro tender developed by...
Lexo më shumëThe Kukes Prosecutor's Office, Alketa Nushi, was dismissed from office on Thursday due to the problems encountered in the three...
Lexo më shumëKED head Ardian Dvorani stated that the process of verification and evaluation of candidates will be completed by July. After...
Lexo më shumëBy The "Renaissance" is very simple to force administration employees to appear in the June 30th mono-party vote in...
Lexo më shumëThe Dibra Prosecutor's Office Esmeralda Keshi was confirmed on duty by KPK, which also decided to send a case against...
Lexo më shumëBy The Independent Qualification Commission (IQC) confirmed the duty of the President of the Administrative Court of Appeal, Kastriot...
Lexo më shumëDP leader Lulzim Basha was called today at 09:30 to report to the Tirana Prosecutor's Office regarding the US lobbying...
Lexo më shumëBy Diber's lawyer Esmeralda Cami (Keshi) was smoothly confronted with the Vetting Commission this Monday, shortly before a relative...
Lexo më shumë mbetet zgjedhja e parë për një lexues i cili kërkon të informohet me saktësi për një lajm. Misioni jonë kryesor është paanshëmëria dhe profesionalizmi dhe për këtë janë të punësuar gazetarët më të mirë në tregun mediatik.
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