The candidate for General Prosecutor is confirmed in office
The Public Commissioner does not appeal the decision on Olsian Cela, a Serious Crime prosecutor and one of the candidates...
Lexo më shumëThe Public Commissioner does not appeal the decision on Olsian Cela, a Serious Crime prosecutor and one of the candidates...
Lexo më shumëThe Public Commissioner does not appeal the decision on Olsian Cela, a Serious Crime prosecutor and one of the candidates...
Lexo më shumëWith eight votes in favor, the KLP has appointed Abaz Muça as head of the Mati Prosecutor's Office. The decision...
Lexo më shumëIt would take at least 17 years for the Albanian judiciary to review and issue a ruling on thousands of...
Lexo më shumëProsecutor Kole Hysenaj's villa is treated as a "Cultural Heritage Site". So denounces the site Lolita, which has also published...
Lexo më shumëBy Prosecutor Altin Dumani, listed first on the Supreme Prosecutorial Council's list to be part of the Special Anti-Corruption...
Lexo më shumëThe most important decision in his 13-year career as a judge, Fatos Lulo has made it to the Constitutional Court...
Lexo më shumëErion Veliaj continues to duplicate his idols, Edi Rama and Barack Obama. The latter copies it in the pictures. For...
Lexo më shumëBy The Council of Justice Appointments (KED) has decided to reopen the race for the post of High Justice...
Lexo më shumëJudge of the Administrative Court of First Instance Gentian Medja will be on Monday before the Special Appeals Panel to...
Lexo më shumë mbetet zgjedhja e parë për një lexues i cili kërkon të informohet me saktësi për një lajm. Misioni jonë kryesor është paanshëmëria dhe profesionalizmi dhe për këtë janë të punësuar gazetarët më të mirë në tregun mediatik.
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