Vetting to the police, this is the decision for the director of Operations
The Foreign Evaluation Commission confirms the incumbent, Bujar Ahmeti. He is a director in the Directorate of the Special Operations...
Lexo më shumëThe Foreign Evaluation Commission confirms the incumbent, Bujar Ahmeti. He is a director in the Directorate of the Special Operations...
Lexo më shumëGeneral deputy Attorney Thoma Jano has faced the Independent Qualification Commission today. The judging panel for Jano consisted of Brunilda...
Lexo më shumëPublic Commissioner confirms ONM complaint to Durres Prosecutor Anita Jella. The International Monitoring Operation has submitted to the Public Commissioners...
Lexo më shumëThe High Council of Prosecutors approved today the 10 magistrates in the functions of prosecutors. It is learned that the...
Lexo më shumëDritan Prençi, Vladimir Mara and Sotir Kllapi have expressed interest for the two vacancies in SPAK, the Special Prosecution Office...
Lexo më shumëThe country's president, Ilir Meta, through a status on Facebook, announced that he was in the US to hold meetings...
Lexo më shumëWhile the Independent Qualification Commission (KPK) confirmed him in office, passing the vetting, the Public Commissioner appealed against this decision...
Lexo më shumëGramos Sako, the Republican Guard commander, is facing Vetting, in a session where the Foreign Vetting Commission troop is made...
Lexo më shumëThe special Court Judge Miliana Muca was confirmed Tuesday by the Independent Qualification Commission after investigating all three criterias. Muca...
Lexo më shumëToday, it was expected that the Independent Qualification Commission would make the decision on the vetting process for the prosecutor...
Lexo më shumë mbetet zgjedhja e parë për një lexues i cili kërkon të informohet me saktësi për një lajm. Misioni jonë kryesor është paanshëmëria dhe profesionalizmi dhe për këtë janë të punësuar gazetarët më të mirë në tregun mediatik.
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