Gift office and $ 100,000 from sister, that’s why “Vetting” starts with Fatos Lulo
By Fatos Lulo, a member of the Constitutional Court since 2013, is one of the judges to have voted...
Lexo më shumëBy Fatos Lulo, a member of the Constitutional Court since 2013, is one of the judges to have voted...
Lexo më shumëUlsi Manja has sparked heated debates at the first meeting of the Justice Appointments Council, aiming to block the appointment...
Lexo më shumëBy The two top executives of the justice system find it difficult to justify the extradition of a narcotics...
Lexo më shumëThe Independent Qualification Commission has referred to the Office of the Prosecutor General all the documentation that resulted from the...
Lexo më shumëConstitutional Court member Fatos Lulo is the first judge to hold a hearing with the Independent Qualification Commission on Wednesday...
Lexo më shumëBy The deadline for applying for a judge's position at the European Court of Human Rights expires on Tuesday,...
Lexo më shumëAs it was announced a few days ago, judges and prosecutors are due to make their property declarations by November...
Lexo më shumë mbetet zgjedhja e parë për një lexues i cili kërkon të informohet me saktësi për një lajm. Misioni jonë kryesor është paanshëmëria dhe profesionalizmi dhe për këtë janë të punësuar gazetarët më të mirë në tregun mediatik.
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