Former Serious Crimes Prosecutor Besim Hajdarmataj was confirmed in office by the Independent Qualification Commission.
The jury for its reassessment, which consisted of Suela Zhegu, Brunilda Bekteshi and Roland Ilia, announced the verdict this Wednesday.
Public hearings
At the hearing, regarding the property ILKPI stated that Prosecutor Hajdarmataj had made an accurate statement, had no concealment of property and justified his property. The KPK also found no property problems.
DSIK also drafted a positive report on Hajdarmataj considering it appropriate to continue in office.
Concerning professionalism, the Prosecutor General’s Office assessed Prosecutor Hajdarmataj as “very good”.
During the investigation, the KPK received over 10 denunciations of Prosecutor Hajdarmataj, of which 3 were published in the media. But, according to the KPK, these denunciations were unfounded.