The KPA dismisses prosecutor Artur Selmani, leaving the KPC’s decision in force. The Trial Panel of the Special Panel of Appeals, composed of Albana Pillar Presiding, Natasha Mulaj, rapporteur, Ardian Hajdari, Luan Daci, Rezarta Schuetz, members, pronounced judgment on case (JR) no.6 / 2019, dated 07.02.2019, on the appeal of the reassessment subject Artur Selmani against decision no. 82, dated 26.11.2018 of the Independent Qualification Commission.
At the conclusion of the trial in the deliberation chamber, the Trial Panel, pursuant to Article 66, paragraph 1, letter “a” of Law No. 84/2016, “On the Provisional Reassessment of Judges and Prosecutors in the Republic of Albania”, unanimously, decided :
Enactment of Decision no. 82, dated 26.11.2018 of the Independent Qualification Commission, belonging to the subject of reassessment Artur Selmani.
This decision is final with immediate effect