The unpublished documentary of the “Publicus” Shot of Death, has brought another shocking fact to Sharra’s landfill. Another woman was killed just like 17-year-old Ardit Gjoklaj. Her story passed silently and without fuss in the media as the history of Ardit’s poor would have gone without the persistence of some journalists.
According to Boldnews’s prosecution file, on November 25, 2015, Citizen Mirvete Duka was killed in the Landfill of Sharra after being crushed by a chained tractor.
Even then, this territory was controlled by the Municipality of Tirana under the direction of Erion Veliajt, but the death of the 48-year-old passed silently bribing the victim’s fault after having entered the landfill without permission. Even murdered and guilty, this is the irony of the fate of the poor. Even massacred and denied, just like Arditi.
“From the inspection of the corpse of the citizen Mirvete Duka it turns out that there are head injuries, skin lesions, edge injuries and broken ribs, hands and feet caused by the aggregate tool that maneuvered front and back. From the forensic expert’s act has resulted that the cause of the death of the citizen Mirvete Duka has been the automobile polytrauma with the mechanism of severe traumatic-haemorrhagic shock, “reads the prosecutor’s file, referring to legal expertise.
There was a person arrested for causing the accident but not responsible for the scandal conditions where she worked.
Publicus has also brought the testimonies of many other miners working in Sharra without any physical security and without any contract or insurance. Unlike what the Mayor advertise, Sharri landifilli is a field of death where dozens of other people, a large number of children, are at risk every day. Media silence for this tragedy that is taking place every day is horrifying and shows the high degree of pressure and corruption of the largest municipal institution in the country.