Tirana is buzzing daily from protests by residents. Traders complain about high taxes. The residents of the New Ring, the Small Ring, or even those of the Train Station, protest that the Municipality is ruining the houses.
Civil Society is protesting for the concreteization of Lake Park, where it is foreseen to build a playground. Beside this angle, according to the documents in the Public Procurement Agency, is also foreseen the construction of a “Grand Café”. Hundreds of protesters gather daily in the Lake Hills, clashing with the police. Some protesters, but also municipal policemen, have completed the hospital with fractures.
On the other hand, the head of the Municipality of Tirana is not delivered. On the summer day he said “Tirana is a construction site”. Boldnews has made an observation of all the expenses of the Tirana Municipality.
What are the costs and projects of Albania’s largest municipality?
Boldnews has conducted a survey of all major projects of the Municipality of Tirana, made at the time of Veliaj. There are dozens of ideas for rebuilding Tirana, which have turned the capital into a construction site. Tenders are high.
The biggest tenders are for cleaning the city. Four tenders were held a few weeks ago, and the winners were announced.
- The cleaning of the eastern part (1) of the city of Tirana has a limit fund of 120,059,893 ALL.
- The cleaning of the eastern part (2) of the city of Tirana has a limit fund of 188,536,890 (new).
- The cleaning of the western part (1) of the city of Tirana has a limit fund of 174,285,296 lekë.
- “The cleaning of the western part (2) of the city of Tirana has a fund of 174,670,499 lekë.
The most controversial tender was the “Playground for Kids”. The project started before Veliaj was elected mayor of Tirana, while in September last year, a private firm completed the study of the area, presenting technical and architectural relations. The fund for this construction is 67,983,445. In the documents at the Public Procurement Agency, there is also a document that predicts that there will be a brown cafe called “Grand Café” in the area.
The Municipality of Tirana has also made a tender for the construction, reconstruction and renovation of the Small Ring, Tirana (Bank of Albania Segment – Unknown Soldier). The limit fund was 139.906.796 lek (about 1 million euros), while the tender was won by the company GECI. During this time, works have begun, while a part of the building of INSIG will be destroyed.
A few weeks ago, the Municipality submitted to the Public Procurement Agency the request to conduct a tender for the urban retraining of “AvniRustemi” and “PazariiRi” square. The Meat – Fish brand will be regulated in the New Bazaar Square. The limit fund for this construction is 99,871,894 lekë (new).
The municipality has made a retraining of the sports ground at the “Petro NiniLuarasi” school, with a fund of 20,825,269 ALL.
In the last few days, it was announced the regulation of the “Brothers Manastirliu” road, again with funds of hundreds of millions of Lek.
- Reconstruction of the archive warehouse, the fund limits 5,287,999 lekë.
- Reconstruction of the Memorandum Street, the fund limit 17,932,805 lekë.
- Full reconstruction of special school LuigjGurakuqi, the fund limit 85.172.898 lekë.
- Reconstruction of the artistic jury “Jordan Misja”, the fund limit 70.622.173 lekë.
- Reconstruction of Nursery School Nr.54, fund limit 15.174.683 lekë.
- Supervision of works of some infrastructure facilities in Tirana city for 2016 with a limit fund of 3,365,703 ALL. The first lot of this tender is the oversight of the works for the “Gaming Table for Children” has a limit fund of 1,336,691. The second is the supervision of works for the retraining of the sports grounds at “Petro NiniLuarasi” with a limit fund of 352,000. The third lot for this tender is the supervision of the works for the “Construction, Reconstruction and Renovation of the Small Ring, Tirana” facility with a limit fund of 1,677,012 lekë.
- Supervision of works of some road and educational infrastructure facilities in the city of Tirana for 2015 with a fund of 1,977,817.
- Supervision of the works for the complete reconstruction of the special school “LuigjGurakuqi” with a limit fund of 1,320,959 ALL.
- Purchase internet service for the Municipality of Tirana with a limit fund of 12.246.045 ALL.
- Purchase public parking facilities with a limit fund of 9,351,667 ALL.
- Purchase of international air transport tickets for Tirana municipality for 2016 with a limit fund of 11.700.000 lek (new) about 1 million USD.
a) Realization of activities
1.A low value procurement procedure with limit fund 650,000 was purchased for the purchase of “fresh flowers composition and bouquets”. He needs to host foreign and domestic prime ministers.
2.The Municipality has made a procurement procedure with a limit fund 225,777 for the installation of the SSL license type e-mail license for mail.tirana.al “.
3.In the course of the Summer Day, has been procured 350,000 for the 10th edition of the Folkloric Spring Festival.
- Has spent 8 million ALL for the installation and installation of the scene, Led screen, Fon, Valor microphone and balloon installation for the performance of the preschool and recreational activity in the Artificial Lake Park.
- According to the documents, has made a small value tender with a limit fund of 750,000 lek for the development of 3 activities, “animal day 19 Mars”, “Tirana Solidar” 21 March and “Treasure Hunt” on 31 March.
- 7 million and a half old Lek were spent on purchasing a service for installing and assembling a two-tiered metal structure for inviting guests and gangs to develop activity on the occasion of the Flag and Independence Day in November last year.
- Eight million Lek old were spent for the service within the “Day without cars” activity.
- b) Direct procurement purchasesThe Municipality has spent 270,000 ALL in buying a light bulb with LED lighting.
- A 799,820 ALL fund purchase was developed for the purchase of printer and photocopy inks for the Administrative Units.
- About 300.000 ALL were spent on purchasing goods of the City of Tirana with logo of the Municipality of Tirana, 10 pieces.
- Has made a procedure with a small value of 783.000 lek for the purchase of the keys of the city of Tirana, 27 pieces.
- 20 thousand new lek is purchased a map of the Municipality of Tirana.
- The Municipality spent about 785,000 Lek for a chair purchase for the Municipality of Tirana, 100 pieces.
- Direct procurement with 798,000 lekë fund for the Big Sahati Tower purchase was made, 42 pieces.
- 795.250 Lek were spent on office material purchases for 24 Administrative Units.
- 683,333 ALL were spent on purchasing handwheels of communication for the Municipal Police, 20 pieces and radio communication for the Municipal Police cars, 5 pieces.
- Approximately 2 million ALL are spent on purchasing a ticket service for airline tickets in Brussels for 25.01.2016 (return) and 26.01.2016 (return).
- Approximately 6 million ALL are spent on purchasing Tirana-London airline ticket service for 19.02.2016 (roundtrip) and London-Tirana for 23.02.2016 (return).
- 400 thousand ALL is the fund for the Tirana-Turin airline ticket for dates 11.02.2016 (round trip) and 12.02.2016 (return).
- The Municipality has allocated a fund of 550.000 ALL for the purchase of phonics, podiums, stands for the advertisement of the products of the local farmers and their traditional clothing.
- The Municipality has set up a fund of 8 million ALL for paintings of the Tirana Municipality apparatus.
- About 1 million old Lek were provided with direct procurement for the supervision of the “Archive Archive Reconstruction” facility.