The special Court Judge Miliana Muca was confirmed Tuesday by the Independent Qualification Commission after investigating all three criterias. Muca underwent a reassessment process as a member of the Special Court against Corruption and Organized Crime, and had a hearing without problems.
People that investigated Muca, until recently a member of the Serious Crimes Court, was headed by Firdes Shuli, with rapporteur Brunilda Bekteshi and member Olsi Komici. Muca, who began her justice career in 2001 at the Korça Court, where she worked until 2015. She was later appointed a member of the Serious Crimes Court.
Relator Bekteshi noted during the reading of the report that Mucca had been asked for additional explanations for only two elements of the property.The late announcement of a contract to buy an apartment in Korça and the source of the father’s income, who borrowed 800,000 ALL.
Bekteshi referred that the judge had brought documents on the payment of social contributions since 1993 to justify her father’s incomes and also referred documents on her brother’s immigrant income.