Mjekët kanë përdorur një prezervativ për të nxjerrë një copë loje plastike që kishte gëlltitur një fëmijë.
2-vjeçari ‘Xiaohao’ u dërgua në një spital në Zhongshan të Kinës pasi aksidentalisht kaloi një copë të lojës ‘Go’ që ishte si gur.
Stafi i spitalit e gjeti pas skanimit të stomakut dhe duhet ta hiqte duke përdorur pinca. Mjekët thanë se fakti që guri ishte i butë, organet e tretjes së tij nuk do ta nxirrnin.
Mund të depozitohej në zorrët e tij, prandaj duhet ta hiqnin menjëherë. Kreu i gastroenterologjisë këshilloi kirurgët të përdornin një prezervativ për procedurën e nxerrjes.
Duheshin disa orë për ta larguar nga trupi i tij, por ia dolën duke e futur në stomak me pinca magnetike që tërhiqnin lojën.
Pic shows: The Go stone inside the boy’s stomach. Doctors in China have used a condom to retrieve a plastic board game piece swallowed by a curious toddler. The two-year-old named only as ‘Xiaohao’ was taken to a hospital in the city of Zhongshan in South China’s Guangdong Province after accidentally swallowing the plastic piece of the ‘Go’ board game known as a ‘stone’. Doctors at Zhongshan People’s Hospital found the stone in scans of the boy’s stomach and later attempted to retrieve it endoscopically using a pair of forceps. The smooth stone meant that the boy’s digestive organs would not be pierced or ruptured, but it could still become lodged in his intestines and therefore required immediate removal. However, the task proved difficult because of the slippery surface of the plastic Go piece, despite the medics using an instrument known as basket grasping forceps. Doctor Ruan Weishan, who is head of gastroenterology at the facility, advised surgeons to make use of a condom for the foreign body retrieval procedure. The rubber was inserted into the boy’s digestive tract, and the plastic stone was placed into the condom, which was then easily pulled out of his body using forceps. The surgery took several hours, but Xiaohao has since recovered and been discharged from hospital. (ends)
Pic shows: The Go stone removed from the boy’s body. Doctors in China have used a condom to retrieve a plastic board game piece swallowed by a curious toddler. The two-year-old named only as ‘Xiaohao’ was taken to a hospital in the city of Zhongshan in South China’s Guangdong Province after accidentally swallowing the plastic piece of the ‘Go’ board game known as a ‘stone’. Doctors at Zhongshan People’s Hospital found the stone in scans of the boy’s stomach and later attempted to retrieve it endoscopically using a pair of forceps. The smooth stone meant that the boy’s digestive organs would not be pierced or ruptured, but it could still become lodged in his intestines and therefore required immediate removal. However, the task proved difficult because of the slippery surface of the plastic Go piece, despite the medics using an instrument known as basket grasping forceps. Doctor Ruan Weishan, who is head of gastroenterology at the facility, advised surgeons to make use of a condom for the foreign body retrieval procedure. The rubber was inserted into the boy’s digestive tract, and the plastic stone was placed into the condom, which was then easily pulled out of his body using forceps. The surgery took several hours, but Xiaohao has since recovered and been discharged from hospital. (ends)