Në kërkim të djemve të mitur për ti joshur. Një mësuese dhe shoqja e saj e ngushtë u arrestuan nga policia këtë të enjte, nën akuzën se joshnin nxënës të mitur, me qëllim për të bërë seks me ta.
24-vjeçarja Talia Sisco dhe 23-vjeçarja Tina Pourani, akuzohen se kanë kryer marrëdhënie seksuale me dhjetëra djem me moshë nga 15 deri në 16 vjeç.
Adoleshentët i njihnin, pasi Sisco punonte si mësuese në shkollën Bernal Middle School, të San Jose. Dy vajzat u arrestuan pas hetimeve të policisë së Santa Clara, në SHBA.
Tina Pourani From Chris Murphy 01634 686 515 A student teacher and her best friend are under arrest for allegedly preying on a whole raft of underage boys they seduced for sex. Police in California are now appealing for any other possible victims to come forward. The Mercury News reports the pair of Santa Clara County women were arrested Thursday on allegations they had sex with multiple teenage boys earlier this year. The Santa Clara County Sheriffs Office told the paper its investigators believe there may be several more boys who could help them. Police told the newspaper all the boys were known to the pair though family and friend and were aged between 15 and 16. The age of consent in the state is 18. The Mercury said Talia Sisco, 24, of Saratoga, is being held without bail in the Elmwood womens jail on multiple counts each of oral copulation of a minor and unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and arranging a meeting with a minor to commit a sex offense. Her best friend, 23-year-old San Jose resident Tina Pourani, was arrested and booked counts of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor and oral copulation of a minor. She has been allowed out of custody after paying $60,000 bail. An investigation into the friends who met at Saratoga High School started in April. The sheriffs office told the paper they received a tip suggesting there was a series of alleged sexual relationships between these suspects and several boys attending a local high school. Alleged victims made claims to police who eventually collected extensive evidence of a graphic sexual nature. That included a reference by at least one of the suspects describing themselves with the phrase sexual deviant, the Sheriffs Office said. Sisco was a student teacher at Bernal Middle School when she came under investigation, but detectives do not believe any of the known victims attended the school. When the Oak Grove School District learned of the investigation it barred Sisco from the school, according to the Sheriffs Office. Sheriff Laurie Smith said: If there are other victims still out there, please come forward. Ends
Talia Sisco From Chris Murphy 01634 686 515 A student teacher and her best friend are under arrest for allegedly preying on a whole raft of underage boys they seduced for sex. Police in California are now appealing for any other possible victims to come forward. The Mercury News reports the pair of Santa Clara County women were arrested Thursday on allegations they had sex with multiple teenage boys earlier this year. The Santa Clara County Sheriffs Office told the paper its investigators believe there may be several more boys who could help them. Police told the newspaper all the boys were known to the pair though family and friend and were aged between 15 and 16. The age of consent in the state is 18. The Mercury said Talia Sisco, 24, of Saratoga, is being held without bail in the Elmwood womens jail on multiple counts each of oral copulation of a minor and unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and arranging a meeting with a minor to commit a sex offense. Her best friend, 23-year-old San Jose resident Tina Pourani, was arrested and booked counts of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor and oral copulation of a minor. She has been allowed out of custody after paying $60,000 bail. An investigation into the friends who met at Saratoga High School started in April. The sheriffs office told the paper they received a tip suggesting there was a series of alleged sexual relationships between these suspects and several boys attending a local high school. Alleged victims made claims to police who eventually collected extensive evidence of a graphic sexual nature. That included a reference by at least one of the suspects describing themselves with the phrase sexual deviant, the Sheriffs Office said. Sisco was a student teacher at Bernal Middle School when she came under investigation, but detectives do not believe any of the known victims attended the school. When the Oak Grove School District learned of the investigation it barred Sisco from the school, according to the Sheriffs Office. Sheriff Laurie Smith said: If there are other victims still out there, please come forward. Ends
Sipas hetuesve, dy vajzat ishin shoqe të ngushta me njëra tjetrën qysh në fëmijëri dhe e kishin ideuar bashkë gjithçka, me qëllim që të bënin seks me adoleshentët dhe të kënaqeshin.