Underground space, once a pub frequented in the former block is owned by businessman Irfan Hysenbelliut. This former pub was used for two consecutive days to carry out the robbing of the BKT bank branch, midnight on August 6th.
Resources for confirm Irfan Hysenbelli’s ownership over this facility but attempted to be masked by police saying it was leased for 3 months.
Even the media did not report that this former pub used to rob a bank is owned by an Albanian businessman. This is because Irfan Hysenbelliu owns the Focus Group, a society made up of News 24, the newspaper “Panorama”, the Albanian newspaper, Radio Rash, and the web site. An announcement against Irfan Hysenbelli’s interests would trigger a storm of attacks, where his entire media force would be engaged.
Shortly before midnight on August 6, the BKT branch in the former block area was abducted in a scenario that resembles action films. Unidentified people opened a hole in the wall dividing the bank with the former Hysenbelli-owned pub and then entered the bank’s internal facility. The robbers opened another hole in the concrete wall of the bank vault. Consequently, the amount of 190 million ALL was robbed in the safe room.
Based on the control of the bank’s perimeter environment, it turns out that the authors initially changed the cartridge of the former pub door and entered there. Questions are raised as to how these robbers entered the premises in the first place, as the private guards of businessman Irfan Hysenbelliu are also within 3-4 meters.
After they have changed the lock, the robbers have gone and acted on the wall page but after they encountered the concrete they left it by going to the tile wall, where they opened a hole to enter a man’s body loosely. After they entered the BKT bank’s internal facility where the safe room was operated by means of work tools (hammer, dart, hook) to the concrete wall of the safe room.
The authors’ actions for preparing the robbery are on 05 and 06 August. The final action they made on August 06 at 23:13 and they came out at 23:19, a record time of 6 minutes.
There are strong suspicions that the perpetrators of this criminal event have exploited this property owned by businessman Irfan Hysenbelliu, while this area is extremely frequented and well-guarded by both state police and private police officers.